Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog #2 .

Creative Writing would have been the one most relevant to my interestes and career goals, being that I want to become an author. Since we could not choose Creative Writing as one of the research essays it was hard to find one that would also work with my career goal. I think that all of these reasearch essays could help me in my research but of the ones we could chose none of them would solely benefit my research. I may be wrong but I think that these essays are more beneficial to those taking the education career route. Creative Writing and Textual Analysis are the two that would help me out the most. Besides these two I think that Ethnography would also help me in my career. This could be relevant because when writing on a certain subject that you don't really know to much about doing a study or getting the information from the group of people it pertains to is extremely helpful. For example when I began to write a short story about a young woman with HIV, I didn't really know about the disease but after researching and reading stories about people with it. That helped me a lot.

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